French Basket Fiberstone GFRC Trash Receptacle
Guests will appreciate how you focus your creative efforts on every last detail of your decor when you pair the French Basket Waste Receptacle and French Basket planters in your hotel courtyard, restaurant patio, reception hall, or home garden. This stone trash receptacle goes well with almost every décor and the included liner makes maintenance a breeze. Provide an artful place for your guests to dispose of trash easily without detracting from the ambiance you've worked hard creating. Choose from lid options based on desired usage.
- Suitable for indoor & outdoor applications
- 13" Diameter - 25" Diameter
- Choose Heavyweight GFRC or Lighterweight Fiberstone
- Comes with plastic liner
- 12" = 13 Gallon Bags, 16" = 20 Gallon Bags, 20" = 33 Gallon Bags, 25" = 35-45 Gallon Bags